Join TPB

Do you want to join The Press Box Media Network?

Becoming a part of The Press Box Media Network is a great way to get your feet wet in the broadcast and journalism industries. Whether you would like to blog, report, or host, TPB has just the right opportunity for you. We are looking for dedicated and passionate individuals who are pursuing a career in broadcast or print journalism.

Positions in the following areas are available:

  • Blog Posts (300-500 words): Once a week on interesting, important current events and your opinions.
  • Feature Articles (800-1500 words)
  • Podcast Content: In whatever way you wish; this could be chiming in vocally, providing stories for outline, scheduling or conducing interviews, etc.

All you need to do is send a short description of why you want to be a part of the TPB team, what you’d like to do, along with a couple writing or broadcast samples to

If you don’t have any experience, fear not, we still want you on our team, send the email anyways.